Thursday 29 March 2012

What is really going on in the ANC? Unity or divergence?

I can still remember when Mr Thabo Mbeki was harshly removed from his position as president of the Republic of South Africa and Julius Malema was the one provoking and sustaining his removal. Everything was all about “Comrade Zuma” this, “Comrade Zuma” that. “He would openly say and I quote Mbeki must step down” without even considering any repercussions of his actions. When we date back the situation, most of us can still remember just how much he was disrespectful towards Mr Mbeki and today we can witness the fact he is acknowledging him as his “Comrade”.
It is amazing just how the tables have turned from sweet to sour between Julius Malema and President Zuma. It is saddening as an individual to hear of people plotting against you and no one deserves such treatment but President Zuma deserves what’s coming to him. If he carefully examined and evaluated his environment then he would have known better that the same thing he did to Thabo Mbeki was going to come and bite him.
The question is where is the ANC looking? I mean now Julius and his subordinates are saying “Zuma must go!”ANCYL. What kind of a leadership are they building in the faces of their supporters and the South African nation? On Saturday the 25th March 2012 the ANCYL members at their centenary celebration at Nkowankowa Stadium outside Tzaneen were saying that Motlanthe should replace Zuma25 March 2012.   Much as we can anticipate about the future of President Zuma we can well do so to anticipate the future of the ANC in the country, because the party has so any imbalances, “members are being bribed, intimidated and even promised government post if they backed one faction over the other”Live The ANC has failed to unite the country utterly because they have lost what they stand for therefore it is simple for them to fall for anything.
It’s okay if the ANC leadership wants change but according to S’Thembiso Msomi of Times live the ANC should reform their outdated nomination procedures for internal elections and allow more structured process so that those seeking to be voted into positions can openly canvass for votes. More debates should be allowed amongst the party members and not plot against other. In that way many will be able to voice their interests and advance the party.
The ANC should carefully examine their environment because their boat is sinking, many of their supporters are losing hope in their leadership because from a public relations perspective an organisation has to adapt or it will perish because systems must constantly learn and renew themselves. Therefore if “YOU STAND FOR SOMETHING YOU WILL FALL FOR ANYTHING”.


  1. this really proves that History really does repeats itself and that whatever you do to others will eventually be done to you. the ANC members are really failling to work together in making the organisation better but are simple slowly but surely detroying it.

    1. ya hey. i totally agree with on the pont that history doeas repeat itslef. if the ANC members had stopped the ongoing lashes at each other from the very on set then non of this would not have happend.

  2. ANC is not always satisfied with their leaders,they always complaining and this drama is starting to make people regret as to why they voted for ANC.I personally think Julius wants to be the president that is why he's forever complaining

    1. Precisely hey. i mean julius malema is acting as if he has long been a member of the ANC. Why is that the ANC did not discipline him from the start?? now matters are out of hand anf people are entirely dissatisfied with works of the whole party. The ANC is a wreck.

  3. In ANC if they start hating a leader that influence everyone in the cabinat.if a person speak they all instance if they can say former President Mandela should became the president again everyone will follow.These actions tell the world that these politicians lack team spirit,they become happy for their member's down fall.As SA citizen we are just following them but we can clearly see that this orgaisation is got wrong directions to the leading party.its image is just not good at this stage.

    1. I say the ANC has lost a standing point utterly. They are so much drowned by power that they have forgotten what this country has been through. From my perspective I have realised that the ANC has lost the meaning of its organisation totally.

  4. I think what our leaders do is not a good way of leading the country because they pressurize each other to do bad things that will occur to themselves as well without being aware of the consequences.I think Zuma and Malema claim to form unity while they are not, they are enemies themselves and they are not aware of that.I think there is no unity in the ANC.

    1. Of course the sense of unity in the ANC has been lost. President Zuma should have known better to allow a child to dictate him. If he had made he had scanned the environment completely then he would seen that what he did to Thabo Mbeki was going to come back to him

  5. if you look at a book on media studies by j.peter fourie this show that history is repeating itself

  6. this clearly shows that history is repeating it self

  7. ANC needs to work on its marketing and advertising, it needs to do what it has promised people and deliver. It needs to put aside their personal judgements and deal in a professional manner.

  8. ANC has voiced something that the people fail to head when the 1994 elections where won the ANC gained political freedom not economic, economic freedom is still privately owned by white minorities so don't look to the anc look to yoursels for the economic revolution

  9. It's just the way it is; in politics there are no permanent friends. Cde. Juju maybe out today but come around 2022 he will be President of the Republic-MARK MY WORDS!!!
