Friday 13 April 2012


I was watching SABC 1 on Thursday April 12, when it was show-casing the life and times of Chris Hani and for a while I realized that South Africa has lost good representative, well orientated leaders who had a very clear vision of what they wanted South Africa to be like. I’m talking of Robert Sobukwe, Steve Biko, John L. Dube, Chris Hani and anymore others.
Allow me to specifically focus and relate to Chris Hani since we just celebrated his 19th anniversary of his assassination. From the research that was done about, he certainly was a servant of the people who believed in what he did with the understanding of the struggle of this country and would not allow any disrespect and ill-discipline that we find our leaders and the  young leaders are doing today .
Today South Africa finds itself in the mist of greedy and disorientated leaders who have no clue what leadership, integrity and accountability means and that is what Tembisile ‘Chris’ Hani had all through his political era. It is said that “he was a man who had courage and ability to tell the truth irrespective of what his audience expected from him”The Times.
Our leaders today are not only throwing stones and blowing their own whistles but they are also tearing their own nation apart, they have utterly lost the mission and vision that has been fought for by not sustaining their promises and not keeping this country together particularly the ANC for it is the ruling party of today. They are obsessed with careerism, opportunism and infighting the movement.
From a public relations point of view an organisation has to always sustain and protect its image for its stakeholders is the most important thing. We have seen in the ANC that lack of research and understanding of the target market being a corner stone the fall of their brand image. I salute and give praise to Chris Hani for being a man of good and honest calibre with good leadership skills. I should say that this country is really in need of his leadership calibre.   


  1. Yes, South Africa lost a true hero. Today we have people who like to show off useless stuff and don't focus on whats really important. Our leaders today are corrupt and only think of themselves.

    1. precisely i mean they ra e morally irresponsible and incapable.

  2. Guys lets be objective here Chris Hani is dead. When someone is dead you don't remember their mistakes you remember the good things they did.Mandela couldn't fix the country, Mbeki couldn't Zuma can't Hellen Zille won't be able to, Obama is such a good speaker too bad his actions speak louder than his words Bush messed up the whole world, by now you must be asking what's my point, well it's this no one man or one political party creates change you need the masses to stop putting their faith in the few and to do something, anything burn down a school rape, pillage,riot something.

    1. Okay phemz you have a point...but i certainly have to disagree with you when you mandela could'nt fix the country, that man has made the best of South Africa, it is just us the citizen and the government to work together and make a change.We need to work together, it's our battle as nation.

  3. Chris Hani was a good political icon. Phemelo i also agree with you when you say "When someone is dead you don't remember their mistakes you remember the good things they did", we have to understand that today's politics is not only about seerving the public but also self worthiness.

    1. Yeah he was a true leader,I say they should look up to him...he had a very clear vision and were working simultaneosly together not fighting not fighting against one another. Oh well thats my opinion. He still honoured even yoday becauseof the good things he did for this country and its people.

  4. I say it goes with morals and integrity, if a leader potrays a good image or is represented in a positive way by their organisation or within the media, then people will look up to that leader.

    1. Indeed. Its all up to a person to have a good maral objective. For one to be become a successful leader he or she needs our support and an understanding of what it means to be a leader of the people.

  5. true that,our current leaders must learn a thing or two from our ancient leaders.Ou curent leaders have no morals and they lack understanding and they do not have zeal for what they are doing.

    1. however i believe that if they had self-integrity this country would be a better place for all.

  6. remember scanning and adapting carry both positive and negative results.I guess our present leaders wanted a change which had lead them to wrong ways of leading the public.

    I think that our leaders has an activity to look up to people who have lived and leadered in an acceptable manner like Chris Hani.

    1. But do you really think that they even considered doing a little bit of survying on their environment? I doubt the ANC clearly over-looked their situation together with ours thats why thing clearly got out of hand and they lost touch with their being in the government positions.

  7. Good leadres are people who do not put themselves first but their Country and the Nation as a whole. Today we really need people like Chris Hani, as the people who are suppose to empower and develop our country are the very same people who are destroying it slowly but surely due to greedyness.

    1. I agree with you hey, the problem comes with being greedy and that is the most powerful thing that is destroying our country and our leadership in this country.

  8. I agree with you. Our country needs people who have good leadership skills and who understand what leadership is all about.

    1. Of course being a leader is not about being at the top and giving orders its about mutual respect, hardwork, trustworthiness, working together and many other things that can make one impossible thing seem possible.

  9. our country no longer does not have great leader like chris hani the leaders no longer care about the country they only care about themselves

    1. this country has lsot multiple of good mannered people...all they care about is money and power when they should be fixing schools and other important things for this country to go forward.

  10. So what do you think can be done to make our see how important it is for them to have one massion and one goal in order for the nation to be in the same page with they leaders.

    1. If they had mutual respect for one another and they had done their research correctly then they woulfd be on the same page. We need to understand that we can not change the past but we can only change the future and that times are changing so we need to acknowledge that in our present days scanning and evaluating the environment that you find yourself in is the most important thing. South Africa is an open system now so things need to be done inter-connected.

  11. Not was he only a political purist, but also a good husband and father. He was no different to the white messiah of our countries struggle: Cde. Joe Slovo...MAY GOD BLESS AFRICA, ALUTA!!!

    1. Yeah it is so true hey. Joe Slovo did play a very remarkable role...I say CONTUNUWA

  12. politics is a dirty game people you need to understand that i know some of you might not agree with me on this oint but well let me point out what i have observerd in the today's government, leaders are choosen without the public's concern....same people who are are expceted to lead the country are the same people mislead our people...

    1. You have a very good point Kgaugelo but my question is now that we have realised that people who we call our leaders are thwe one's who are misleading the public why do we still vote for them and do we still give them the authority to stay in power?

  13. From wat i was taught in History back in high school i believe that Chris Hani was a good leader who understood the struggles of the country and fought for what was right for the country with that said our country definitly needs leaders like him.

    1. True what you saying and thing can change know what they say "The havest is too many but the workers are few". There is still a lot of work to be done in this country but we lacking people and the abilities.

  14. It is a great honor to live and feel free today because of these heros that died for us to live a better life. Where would this country be if it was not for them.Today we can be called born frees and it is up to us to live up to the oppertunities that was created by thousands who died praying to have and see what we do today.

    1. Wow such a very good thing you have said. We may not have been there but I'm glad that we are informed...because our history is important.
