Thursday 8 March 2012

It's about time!!!

For a very long time the African National Congress took time to see that it is necessary to discipline Julius Malema and his subordinates until, things got out of hand. Julius got away with so many things and made sure that he tells his story irrespective of the circumstances and the context he finds himself in. From the very on-set he never showed any respect for his leaders, yet himself he is a leader. One might wonder what kind of a home this leader was brought up in, as they say "charity begins at home”, does this reflect how he brought up from an early age?

It was a long time coming for the ANC given the lashes Malema always forwarded to the highly ranked officials of the party. To name a few, the lashes at the previously minister of higher education Naledi Pandor, former president Thabo Mbeki and many other political figures from other political organisations. Malema should have been ceased by the ANC at an earlier stage to avoid the public deterioration.

In public relations field is to sit back and bask in the glory a public image (Seitel 2005:51). The ANC certainly didn’t react on the issue of Malema quickly now the people are arguing that matters should have been solved a very long time ago, as the ANC should reflect what it is all about (

His expulsion from the party has shown that at least the ANC has seen just how much this matter could have got worse because the image is just in the verge of being destroyed by simple little things of not protecting the environment that you are within. He was expelled for bringing the party into disrepute and sowing divisions in its ranks (

It is important to always walk what you preach so that and to all always draw people into the right if you want them to side. The silence within the ANC was motivating factor of some sort because of it took time for them to see their mistakes and rectify them in a manner that is accepted. IT’S ABOUT TIME that he be shown the right path and not lose the liberal struggle that was fought by the previous leaders who made this country and the ANC what it is today.    


  1. ijust think that communication and pr are just taken for grant in the anc because if they knew the functions of pr and communication they would have done something we prps call environmental sccanning maybe this malema issues could have be dealt with before it even got this far.

  2. Precisely, I mean a lot of people have been complaining about Julius's behaviour since from the on-set of his political career. The ANC should have a long time done its environmental scanning to prevent its name being dragged into the mud.

  3. you will never understand politic every well until you join or you follow leaders closely. One or two wrong doings maybe mistake but more than that is something else, Malema was supposed to be displined way before.
