Friday 17 August 2012


RDP houses in the Western Cape. Vrygrond

What was the purpose of coming with the resolution of RDP houses? Was this programme really designed to cater for the less unfortunate? Well, what I have seen and heard about the RDP houses is totally working against the mission and vision of this programme. I further say that; the standard that it was set upon has not the met criteria standard to suit the needs of our people.
Upon reading the RDP framework, I came across following statement stating that: “It seeks to mobilise all our people and our country’s resources toward the final eradication of the results of "apartheid". It’s amazing how this statement is well written but we still find people struggling out there; whereas they were told and promised so many things of which some of them have not yet been fulfilled. We hear of cases of fraud, alleged planning, inadequacies, procurement irregularities including corruption leading to defective house (Sowetan).  Does this mean that our people were deceived and not told the truth? Why is that people in high place are always taking advantage of the vulnerable?
To me this seems as if the government of South Africa is not willing to reach out to the people, and do what it said it will do to change and reform the imbalances of the past. At times one would say that the apartheid was much better than our current government. One of the six basic principles of the RDP says that it is people driven and seeks to bind up with the peace and security of the people, but where is peace in that? Why are people so angry that they are always embarking on strikes? This for me means that a lot needs to be done and people need to be given what they were promised a long time ago.
Although, some have granted the RDP houses but we find the houses are not well constructed or are not in the rightful allocation, so now where is integrity and sustainability in that? What I’m trying to convey to you my readers is that much needs to be done hence I believe that community relations has not been done and maybe a lot of public relations needs to be done as soon as possible. I believe that with the knowledge that public relations have about community relations by the government and the private sector many things can be achieved enormously.


  1. I think the government has not lived up to its promises.Everyday you find a complain about RDP houses, in my eyes I think the government promised people stable houses just to manipulate them into voting for the ANC. It is said to see that the government is ripping off the very people it promised to take care of.

    1. Yes, it seems so to me also...I mean if the government was so serious about giving people the things they had been promided then we wouldn't be hearing of RPD houses all time.

  2. It's not fair that people have to settle for less. The government should live up to its expectations.

    1. Precisely the case. They reallt need to up their game as soon as possible now.

  3. The RDP mission and vission are really not in line with the RDP reputation. All their houses are not strong enough to last a year. this thing they are doing is playing with poor people just because there is nothing they can do but accept those houses.

    1. Exactly, I mean its as if they are being forced to do what they don't want to do. How do you explain these situation in the context of the people have been through a lot? I think this what leads to the fights we always see on television; people fighting for service delivery.

  4. RDP houses are not in line and lot of money have been waisted. The state should have planned a proper house that will last for a long term. Besides that there is also corruption in RDP's tenders.

    1. Yes I also think that we still have a long way to go.

  5. RDP houses have not met the correct criteris if we still find the houses collapsing due to heavy winds and melting of the material used. Until residence who occupy RDP houses stop complaining that will be the day we can say that theRDP houses meet the required criteria.

    1. Yes Lorraine our government is lacking to do the right thing and I doubt this has to do with funding.

  6. u know Refi neh...we will always have this problems because corruption start from the inside departments.the people who actually recieve the RDPs are the one working in departments.

    1. Yes that is so true, nobody from far can come and start doing shaddy dealings if it's not the people working in the government.

  7. i think the government really dis not being fair to the people as they give them places that they still gona struggle with ,why should we keep voting for the peoople who really don't fulfil their promises

    1. It is funny how the government always persuades people to buy into their skims and yet they know they that, they are never going to fulfil their promises.

  8. It will still take time for government to meet his mandate of providing each and every citizen of SA with housing, as long as we still have illegitimate tender awarding that creates problems on RDP's after few years.

  9. The RDP wont meet the right standards because the people holding tenders dont feel the need 2 waste their time nd the budget on something that wil b given 4 free. The government should change its perception regarding RDP nd place a reasonable budget 4 building the houses.

    1. I think it can met the criteria if rightful candidates are to employed. People really deserve good conditioned houses from the government.
