Friday 10 August 2012

For god sake he is our president!

zuma and malema
Expelled ANC Youth League president Julius Malema,
seen here with President Jacob Zuma in May last year.
                            iOl News
Every time when I read the newspaper, it’s Julius Malema throwing insults at President Jacob Zuma…I’m like why? Is it really a necessity that when Julius Malema is given a platform to give a speech of some sort he has to include President Zuma in his speeches?
I know President Jacob Zuma has done his fair share of mistakes and I believe he knows that too, but he also deserves some little respect at least. For god sake he is our president and well he is also human; if we could think about that for a moment, particularly Malema then we could perhaps spare our feelings for a moment.  Sowetan has reported that each and every time the expelled ANCYL president is given a platform to give speeches he makes it a point that he insults President Zuma. (Sowetan). I mean what is that? I think and I say that Julius Malema should GET OVER HIMSELF!
I know that everyone in South Africa is entitled to his or her opinion but, what does this say about freedom of expression? Does freedom of expression mean that other people’s rights should to be side lined and overlooked? Check this out Rights + Responsibility = Rightfully Responsible.  Hopefully you, my readers will be able to understand what I’m trying to bring to your attention, and somehow make me understand these personal vendettas Julius is bring to our public attention continuously.
According to the practice of public relations as a public relations student, I was told and taught that, an organisation has got to work cohesively together to show an open working system. But what does this say about the ANC? For me it says that, issues management was not thoroughly done, to best suit the interest of the people of South Africa. Instead what we are experiencing now is leaders throwing stone each other; most of which are directed to one person who is our president at the moment and I deeply feel that we and, particularly Julius Malema should give him a break. This for me is called human decency to show respect at an elderly person who happens to be your leader; our president and a father to his children. Imagine how they feel.
Not that I am Zuma’s fan but I’m bringing this to your attention the things that I have noticed ever since Julius Malema has been expelled from the party. STOP AND THINK!!!



  1. Well politics have ups and downs, I strongly agree with you our president need to be respected nomatter how bad he can be-he still the president of South Africa. Julius need a mouth cleaner.

    1. Thank you Themba that you get what I'm saying. As much as we all have rights he also has his own rights.

  2. Yes girl it is unfair for Malema and the media to have fun out of exposing peoples mistakes. But it is politics and it is an unfair game. Mr Zuma knows that this is what politics is all about.

    1. Okay Michelle he might know that but atleast he deserves some respect. It does not mean that if you are in politics you have to do things as you please.

  3. I agree with that our president deservers to get some respect from Julius, the media and the nation. Julius should just get over himself because he is just wasting his time for nothing he must just accept that he is no longer part of the ANC.

    1. LOL yes true that Dineo. if Jilius was told where to draw the line from the very on-set then he would'nt be doing what he doing right now.

  4. well i think this shows that Malema really does not deserve to be in politics because he does not really act very well he and People think that the president does not really at fear for the people because people feel that he does not really do what he promises that why they end up not respecting him because the feel he is the man who does not fulfil his honor

    1. Yes I also agree with you Grace that JUlius does not deserve to be in politics...even so he still has rights of which he can contest at anytime. I say he must just consider other people's feelings and spare his for a moment.

  5. I think Julius malema just loves attention and people are stupid enough to entertain him and his spechees. It is so real when they say politics is a dirty game

    1. Yah politics is a dirty game, and you do have a point when you say that a lot of us are entertaining his speeches...

  6. julius dosenot respect anyone beside himself

    1. As if he ever showed any1 any respect. Julius is akind of a man who will chew you and later spit you out.

  7. It shows that Malema doesn't respect Zuma. I agree with you when you said everyone deserve a second chance but is this a good idea to give him (Zuma) a second chance as he always doesn't deliver what he promised. Let's not feel pity and let's try to look at this issue in a pespectives way.

    1. Well, with issues of delivering and what not I think that people have a right to vote him out if they want to but aleast he also deserves some respect.

  8. It is not important to always pin point the president’s name in his speeches and Malema's actions show how he have unresolved issues with Mr President. Julius Malema has to respect President Zuma for he deserve to be treated with respect.

    1. Yah he can say whatever he likes but it is not necessary to always include President Zuma in all his speeches. I think he is forgetin something, that he is the one who gave President Zuma the authority by voting for him.

  9. freedom of expression is often abused by persons in our country, I mean if we look at the spear painting of Jacob Zuma it clearly shows how the right to express how one feels can be used to negatively create choas in our country. Is it really a necessity that when Julius Malema is given a platform to give a speech of some sort he has to include President Zuma in his speeches? no it is not necsesary.personal vendettas are a dirty game but unfortunately people have the right to use their expression as they wish.Working cohesively will only work when everyone in the political party earns the same salary.

    1. LOL alright Mpho I hear you but freedom of speech goes with responsiblities and it is my responsibility to respect you and watch what I say at all times. Freedom of speech does not grant me the authority to just say what ever I like when given a platform. I think you are forgeting the fact that we are not the same and I doubt earing the same salary in one organisation will ever happen.

  10. the media is the one that publicises Malema's speeches, therefor we cant lay all the blame on Malema

    1. But the media is not the one saying bad things about Zuma at the present moment.

  11. ANC members are always against each other especially julius malema cos he is one of the most controvertial member of ANC, and he pay no respect to any member of ANC.

    1. Yes thats what I have realised also but, if he was told before that he need not to behave the way he does; I think that he would have got the message a long time ago.

  12. Unfoturnately is already late for Mr Malema to keep siliceand not bad mouth Mr Zuma.ANC should have prevented the crisis long time ago when Political Analyst warned them about letting Mr Malema say anything in public. Lastly Malema will stop his bad behaviour once the current has been outcasted in Mangaung.

    1. Yes that's exactl my point, if he was told bfore then he would be knowing how to respect people and know wher to draw the line.

  13. you have just made a valid point there, our president deserves respect, we are embarasing our selves as a country to other countries by the way we treat our president. i also think the media should STOP giving Julius publicty because we have heard enough from him

    1. I doubt the media will ever do that...the media is all about making money so such issues are newsworthy to the media at large.

  14. Maybe Malema is only saying the things that will grab and horde headlines the same way that he has been doing throughout his political career

    1. LOL! yea maybe who knows, but I honestly think he should get over himself already. It's too much now.
