A policeman fires at protesting miners outside
Lonmin's Marikana platinum mine
in Rustenburg on Thursday, August 16, 2012.
What could have caused the turmoil at the Marikina mines? Do we always have to fight for our rights through violence? What does freedom mean to us South Africans? Are we there yet? Why cannot we sit down and come up with a way of solving issues instead of using force and violence at the expense of other people?
I was very saddened to see the police and mineworkers of Marikana shooting at each other tirelessly. This reminded me of the Sharpeville Massacre 1960, even though I was not even born at that time. This goes to show that there is still tension with in the South African society and it should not be underestimated. But, how does the South African Police Service project grievance solving to a sense that we the citizens, start respecting our fellow police men and woman? I thought the police service is/was there to solve problems and tensions, but this proves otherwise and it goes back to the apartheid era, when citizens used to fight with the police repeatedly. Think back when an innocent man Andries Tatane was brutally killed by the police last year on 13 April 2011 , my question still stands, how does the police service solve issues of an angry crowed?
Now this comes to crowed control and crisis management. Although, crowd control is not the simplest thing one can do but, once you are jointly working together it becomes a lot easier. Communication is very vital when doing crowed control. I was once involved and engaged in a huge event, when the University of Johannesburg held a two day open day on 11 and 12 May 2012, and I have to say we worked well together with my fellow student marshals. We did crowed control like we were professionals and this is because we were jointly working together as one and, we communicated well each other.
Now coming to the issue of crisis management, this is where the Marikana mines should have involved their public relations department to resolve the dispute while there was still time. How do companies effectively use PR for a speedy recovery? This for me shows that PR techniques were not effectively used to solve the quarrel that was between the management and workers of Lonmin. Sadly, a blood pool of people was the answer to the dispute between the two parties…WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? WHAT IS DEMOCRACY IF WE ALWAYS HAVE TO REPEAT HISTORY TIME AND AGAIN?