Friday 5 October 2012


President Jacob Zuma and Deputy President, Kgalema Motlanthe. CapitalFM

Only a month left for the road to Mangaung and it seems like it is going to be a very hectic event just like it happened in Limpopo, 4years ago. We have been hearing and reading of the Mangaung Conference since the beginning of this year. Much has been happening with the African National Congress and that on its own makes me wonder how it is going to be come Mangaung Conference in December 2012.
There has been a lot going on in this country and much has happened within the ANC. I mean with President Jacob Zuma’s “SPEAR PAINTING”; the dismissal of Julius Malema and of course the whole Marikana Massacre, surely indeed they have faced a lot of drama including everyone living in South Africa. With Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe going against President Jacob Zuma; this goes to show that the ANC is divided.   
The road to Mangaung has been showing that Limpopo Province is against President Zuma bidding as president of the ANC for the second term; but it doesn’t surprise me because it is the hometown of the outspoken Julius Malema who is anti-Zuma of course. Limpopo Province is looking forward to making Kgalema Motlanthe the new ANC president . Even so it is not clear that Kgalema will ever bring any change within the congress or the party and on the other hand how do we know for sure that Zuma is going to bring along some change?
My question is; how long is the ANC going to be divided amongst themselves? How much longer can the people of South Africa be able to bear the things that are happening within the African National Congress and within the whole country? Let’s hope that something good will happen, when Mangaung arrives but it doesn’t look any good and satisfactory to me. Let the games begin.


  1. Thats true Malema is our homeboy and we need to give him support but this doesn't mean that limpopian people are against Zuma.

    1. For me Limpopo thinks that it is the ruler of politics around this country, because they expect everthing to be don their way. I don't think we should give Julius Malema any support for he is not loyal, he can change on the spot.

  2. i think as South African we need a new president after the dramas that Jacob Zuma did not handle and the service delivery he did not do for the people surely if we still keep him as the president what are the chances of things improving

    1. Oh well, change is good but how can we be sure that Kgalema Motlanthe will bring any change if it happens that he wins? That we are not sure of. They all say that they are going to bring change but they fail to present that change.

  3. I think Limpopo people are against Zuma due to their own reasons...not because of Julius in Limpopo...remember we black people we do not want to see our neighbours shine. When they do so we turn to crush them.As for Zuma I do not think that he will ever bring change because he has already failed us.

    1. I get what you are saying but, why is that Limpopo wants to make the final decision on every political aspect? Therefore Malema has instilled the whole hatred against President Zuma and remember Zuma was once Limpopo's favourite when Julius had no issues with Jacob Zuma.

  4. Zuma had his chance he needs to give others achance. Malema and Zuma are getting boring with this wars let someone else just take over
    We have fallen victim to their war and enough is enough. We think we know but we dont.

    1. Yes you have a point but we need someone we can trust, someone who will bring an enormous change to this whole country and I certainly don't think Kgalema is the one, as along as he is teaming up with Julius Malema.

  5. i think we as south africans have had enough with the anc and its scandals that are affecting the whole nation, and the hatred within its members. its high time another party takes over.

    1. Okay good point and if the ANC is not careful people will fall of their territory. I think DA ruling in the Western Cape should mean something to the ANC. The ANC better watch out.

  6. We must anticipater more division within the ANC the service and a cabinet reshuffle will take place after Mangaung.

    1. Although we don't know what is really going on the ANC territory but I think it is blatantly clear that party is falling apart. Come Mangaung we will see everything in action.

  7. ANC needs to sort out its issues. It's not fair for the whole nation to suffer because of the issues they have with each other.

    1. It really has to solve it's issues while they still have time and before it is too late. Look how they took time to discipline Julius Malema.

  8. Take nothing from ANC,they elect you today and say good things about you but tomorrow,the ones who prasied you will turn their back....What happened in Polokwane is nothing come Mangaung the Zuma camp will be up to defend him.

    1. Precisely the point, it is so easy for the people o change for you and we have witnessed it with Julius Malema. Now that they decided to show him some discipline, he opted to saying bad things about President Jacob Zuma.

  9. I think it is time for Zuma to be replaced by Motlanthe. I greatly have faith in Motlanthe and truely believe that he could bring change. ANC wont be divided but if they doesn't rectify their mistakes, something might happen and this could ruin what we want to buid for our future generations.

    1. What do you think Motlanthe will bring if it happens that he is the candidate? The ANC is already divided, therefore we need a very strong leader who doesn't take any sides.

  10. ANC itself is showing that we are not united as a country. I mean if such situations continue to occure then what is the nation coming to? The problem with the ANC leadership is that people feel that they need to be loyal because of the past therefore they won't give other parties a chance.

    1. Precisely the point. It is not a matter of loyalty, but we must remember that the ANC made it happen for us and that on it own doesn't mean that they have to sit and do nothing. We as the nation need to come up with new solutions, rather than sitting and blaming the ANC. We can make the change.
