Friday 14 September 2012


Julius Malema at the Lonmin mines,
addressing them Aurora liquidated mines. Daily Maverick

If Julius Malema could spare us his thoughts and opinions for a moment please! What happened at the Lonmin mines was one incident that left the whole country in tears and yet, one person is making the matter even worse than it seems. How is the Marikana issue going to be solved if Julius is continuously pouring salt on the wound? I was listening to e-news on Wednesday, 5 August in the afternoon and the Minister of labour, Membathisi Stephard Mdladlana was very adamant to solve the issue and she was hoping that a conclusion could be reached by Monday the 10th of September 2012. However, we still see in the news that the strike is still going on; in fact some miners from other mining companies have also downed their tools News 24.
It is in the open that that the mining sector needs urgent attention to correct the imbalances within the industry, but Juju is hijacking the whole situation and making it his own. I have to say that Juju has got a few valid points but, he is not following the correct protocol to voice them and even worse no one authorised him to go to the Lonmin mines. It doesn’t surprise me that he is now being compared to the deceased AWB leader Terreblanche.
I think that this problem could have been long solved if some politicians didn’t make a fuse out of an already damaged situation. Yes, this whole situation needs the government but it is imperative that they come with good strategic solutions, without any distraction from those who only want to channel their anger. Nonetheless, I really think that an urgent public relations solutions needs to be employed for the revolution of the whole entire mining industry. However, they should have thoroughly done their environmental scanning to check if they are on the right track and people and if people are happy or not. This is how I was taught that environmental scanning is crucial at all times in the practice of public relations.
 We all know that working in the mines is very hard; it’s even worse if you are not being treated with respect and getting what you deserve. I say let it go to rest Julius and let the Lonmin workers fight their own rights and to the owners, please give people what they deserve for the betterment of this whole situation. Otherwise they wouldn’t be striking if they were happy.


  1. he always find a way through, i think this Marikana tradegy is a window for him to bounce back. He is pouring salt on the wound indeed he persuaded the workers to go on national stike and now attacking the ruling party.

    1. Yes i think that you do have a point that he is only making noise because he wants to the ANC that he is no yet out.

  2. i think he continues where he ended while he was in anc "the nationalisation ideology"insteadof calming down the miners he encourages them more to fight

    1. True that, he should be leading by example.

  3. I think so, because he makes things worse,instead of cuming up of a new solution to end this violence he continues violence again.

    1. I think that we must just bear i mind that where Juju is, there is always trouble.

  4. Juju always finds pleasure in others misery, he is causing more harm than making the situation better.

    1. I think that is the way he strategises. Wherever he is, he always on Zuma's case.

  5. Juju always interfer in everything and this so called tendency of him could make the situation even worse. He wasn't suppose to interfer and he should let the workers do what they think will work for them. He is causing unnnecessary conflicts and this make our South African money value to depreciate compared to other values in the JSE.

    1. I think that i Juju was wise enough he would have kept quiet until the matter is settled, instead he went on to accuse Jacob Zuma for not being an active president.

  6. Julius Malema is seeking attention in a negative way because he knows that the media will focus on him. What he is doing is inappropriate but I guess it is his way of making up for lost time.

    1. Certainly yes hey, I think he still doesn't believe that he is out and that he's term is over.

  7. It has always been an issue that politics is a dirty game and everyone is there for their own good. i dont see the point of julius going there because he is not giving any solutions to the matter but making it worse and ruining other peoples reputation like Zuma.

    1. Yes that is so true politics will always be a dirty game. However Julius for me is a hypocrite.

  8. Juju has seen a gap to make a political comeback! And with the support he's got, he's a threat to the current ANC leadership.

    1. That is certainly true. I think that he is a chancer.

  9. Julius malema is taking this situatio to his advantage to be back in ANCYL and instead of adressing solution to help mine workers his always attacking our president who he does not respect

    1. He should have just came with a solution to the whole situation.

  10. julius did not accept that he was out of the public window so I believe that he will do anything to ensure that he ge media coverage.

    1. He just does not have leg to stand on. Always bashing at that man can make noise.

  11. Whatever that Malema is doing he is just paving his way to Mangaung and want people to discard the current ANC leadership and elect the new one that will bring him back to the ANC by lifting up the suspension he is currently facing.

    1. We know he's tricks by now, he always looking for way to get publicity at all times. We now know that he's a motor mouth but if he could spare us his thoughts for a moment.
